1. Practice Skimming & Scanning
- Skimming is reading quickly to get the main idea.
- Scanning means searching for specific information.
- In Part A, these skills are essential since you only have 15 minutes to answer 20 questions.
2. Familiarize Yourself with the Texts Layout
- Part A usually has four short texts (A, B, C, and D) related to a healthcare topic. Practice understanding the typical layout so you can quickly find relevant information.
3. Don’t Read Every Word!
- Avoid reading the entire texts in detail. Instead, identify keywords in each question, and match them to information in the texts.
4. Use Keywords to Locate Information
- Look for specific keywords in the question (like symptoms, treatment, dosage, etc.) and search for similar terms or synonyms in the texts.
5. Answer Directly on the Answer Sheet
- Since time is short, write your answers directly on the answer sheet. This saves time and avoids the risk of forgetting to transfer answers later.
6. Practice Under Timed Conditions
- Try practicing Part A under timed conditions to get used to the pressure. Aim to finish with a few minutes left for review.
7. Don’t Guess – Use Logic!
- If you’re unsure, use process of elimination. Check each text and see which fits best rather than making a random guess.
8. Review Your Answers Quickly if Time Allows
- If you finish early, use the extra time to double-check your answers, especially if you’re unsure about any.
The key to success in OET Reading Part A is efficiency! Practice regularly, refine your strategies, and you’ll see improvement. Good luck – you’ve got this!